4 Ways to Prepare For A New Pet In Your Household

Having a pet can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a human’s life. However, not everyone is capable of handling the responsibilities that come with pet ownership. This is partly why shelters around the US saw a rise in owner surrenders after the steep increase of pet adoptions in 2021. This could’ve been prevented if pet owners had more thoroughly prepared for the addition to their households.
Thankfully, preparing for a new pet just requires a bit of effort and research. Let’s take a look at four ways to do so below.
Pet-proof your home
It’s natural for animals, especially younger ones, to get into trouble with furniture and fixtures. Cats are particularly notorious for shredding fabrics as their claws develop, and this can cause unnecessary and heavy costs for your household.
This can be prevented by pet-proofing your home ahead of time with anti-scratch tapes, childproof locks, or pet gates to secure any item you don’t want your pet messing with. Don’t forget to provide them with an alternative — the Ultimate Scratching Post for picky felines, for example, is sure to direct your cat’s attention away from your new couch and keep them happily occupied.
Create a cleaning strategy
Litter training animals like dogs or cats is possible. However, hair shedding is another factor that is more difficult to control. Some breeds can shed excessively and even cause allergies in sensitive adults or families with younger children, which is why it is important to create a proactive cleaning strategy.
Delegate a system for cleaning in your household, and supplement this with technology if needed. The best Roomba for pet hair, the Roomba S9+, comes with a powerful suction to remove pet hair even in high pile carpets, and can be programmed to function automatically during pet-shedding seasons. Meanwhile, a robot mop like the Bissell SpinWave can be used to clean up after any urine waste from stubborn puppies or elderly animals.
Orient family members on pet rules
Training your pet in basic obedience can significantly help both parties adjust to the new change. However, training has to be consistent in order to be effective.
Preemptively discuss any pet rules with your family. This can include setting a schedule for your pet to be taken outside to potty, determining whether they’ll be allowed on the couch, or deciding whether you’ll be getting them their own dedicated bed like those we’ve listed in Pet Beds. Make sure everyone knows to enforce this from the beginning to avoid confusing your new pet.
Adjust your calendar
Training your pet, making any adjustments to your pet-proofing or equipment, and even ensuring that your pet is settling comfortably takes time. Much like parents take parental leaves when expecting a new child, new fur parents can schedule their pet’s arrival during a period where they are around the house more frequently. This can be the weekend or a slow work week.
With these four tips, your new pet can assimilate perfectly into your household and settle in comfortably as the latest family member. What comes afterwards is a lifelong of new memories to treasure with your furry friend.
Specially written for TheRusticBrush.com
By: Raegan Jaiden